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Blonder Tongue: MICM Modulator

Blonder Tongue: MICM Modulator

  • The Blonder Tongue MICM series of products are fixed-channel analog audio/video modulators available in the following models: MICM-45C: The fourth generation of the MICM series.
  • Available in NTSC channels 2-135 (54-860 MHz) and the PAL B, G, and I channels in the same frequency range.
  • MICM-45D is the same as MICM-45C, but with audio AGC (Automatic Gain Control) that eliminates loudness level variations among program sources.
  • Available in NTSC channels 2-125 (54-806 MHz) and PAL B, G, and I channels in the same frequency range.
  • Optional stereo audio output is available for both MICM-45C and MICM-45D, but for NTSC models only.

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